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01 March 2009

Firefox Icon - Crack

Bored of the current Firefox icon? Change it in a few simple steps!

1. Right-click Firefox icon.
2. Choose properties.
3. Click change icon.
4. Click browse.
5. Browse for your icon. (It must be .ico format)
6. Success! You have changed the Firefox icon on destop or in start menu.

I've created a few compatible Firefox icons, which are available in white, blue, green and red. I hope you will like it. The icons are in .ico format and 128x128, which is compatible for the Vista large destop icon. There is also another icon with default colour set not included in this preview. [download]

If you would like to also change the Firefox icon inside Firefox, do this in few steps...

1. Go to the folder you installed Firefox in (e.g. C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\) and then go to the subfolder chrome (e.g. C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\chrome\).
2. While in chrome, create a new subfolder called icons, and create another subfolder called default. (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\chrome\icons\default\)
3. Choose the icon and then place it in this folder and rename it to main-window.ico.
4. Restart Firefox.
5. You're done with beautiful Firefox icons.